The Iowa Department of Education has opened a new website that provides Iowans a snapshot of how our public schools and school districts are performing in two areas: student proficiency rates and growth toward college and career readiness. The website enables users to look up this information for any public school or district, including our district. The website is located at

Student proficiency rates report the percentages of students proficient in math and reading in grades 3-8 and 11 based on state assessment results.

Growth toward college and career readiness is the percentage of students who, in a given year, met a growth target towards becoming college and career ready. The growth measure sets an expectation that all students will make progress each year and will be ready for college by the end of 12th grade. Growth targets are calculated for each student. The growth percentage for a district or school represents the numbers of students that made adequate progress toward college and career readiness. For example, if a school has 100 students and 50 students met their growth targets, 50 percent of students would be on track for college and career readiness. The measure for college readiness that has been chosen by the Department of Education is a standard score of 306 on the Iowa Assessments, which corresponds to a 21 on the ACT Reading test, and a 22 on the ACT Math test.

The Department of Education attendance center rankings show results one year at a time. We have posted various student achievement reports on our website, showing results for all students and for various subgroups, with eight years of data displayed together on the same graph, allowing the reader to see patterns over time. To access these achievement reports, go to the Student Achievement page.