Gabrielle Bugenhagen
Teacher Librarian
(319) 627-5089 x2008 (ELC)
(319) 627-4243 x3042 (ES)
Students visit the library as a class for instruction and to check out books for research or recreational reading. Students usually check one book at a time. This is getting them used to what it means to take care of a library book. Items are checked out for one week. No fines are charged for overdue books, but students are responsible for paying for items that are lost or damaged while checked out to them. Fines left from the previous school year need to be paid or else checkout privileges for the new school year will be limited.
The district’s Acceptable Use Policy, which all students and parents must sign before Internet access is allowed, applies to use of library computers. Inappropriate use or activities and consequences are outlined within the policy. Our network is filtered to assure that our students are not exposed to information or images inappropriate for school students.
Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations or individuals or groups requesting their use.”
The Board of Directors of the West Liberty Community School District hereby declares it the policy of the District to provide a wide range of instructional materials on all levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal, and the presentation of different points of view and to allow review of allegedly inappropriate instructional materials.
The primary objectives of the schools’ educational media centers are to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of the schools and to aid the individual student in the pursuit of continuing education and the creative use of leisure time. To accomplish these objectives, the media centers will provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, with diversity of appeal and the presentation of different points of view.
Responsibility for Selection of Materials
The Board of Education in West Liberty is legally responsible for all materials relating to the operation of schools in the District.
The responsibility for the selection of instructional materials is delegated to the professionally trained and certificated staff and media specialists employed by the school district.
“Instructional materials” includes all books, printed materials, and audiovisual materials, whether considered text materials or media center materials.
Certificated media center personnel or designee will coordinate selection of media center materials and make final recommendations for purchase. Suggestions for acquisition may come from a wide range of sources, including administrators, teachers, students, parents, and community members.
Responsibility for coordinating the selection of text materials for distribution to classes will rest with the curriculum director in conjunction with the curriculum committee. “Text materials” includes textbooks and other print and non-print material provided in multiple copies for use of a total class or a major segment of a class.
Procedure for Selection
In selecting materials for purchase for the media center, the media specialist will evaluate the existing collection and the curriculum needs and will consult reputable, professionally prepared selection aids and other appropriate sources. Selection aids may include professional journals and lists prepared by teachers, librarians, and other professional groups. Items may be selected that have been personally examined or previewed by teachers, administrators and/or media personnel.
Gift materials and donations may be accepted or rejected pending approval by media center personnel; selection criteria will apply as previously noted in this document.
Vertical file materials, periodicals, pamphlets, and free materials will be part of the collection as they meet the needs of the collection and selection criteria.
Text material
Curriculum committees shall be appointed at the time that text adoption areas are determined. Appropriate subject area and instructional level shall be included in each committee.
Criteria for text materials consistent with the general criteria for materials selection noted in this document shall be developed by the text materials evaluation committee.
Criteria for selection
Selection is an ongoing process which should include the removal of material no longer appropriate and the replacement of lost and worn material still of educational value. All materials–printed, visual and recorded–should be selected for their contribution to the interests and enlightenment of the students and teachers who use them.
To ensure this objective, the following criteria will apply:
Materials shall support and be consistent with the general educational goals of the district and the objectives of specific courses.
Materials shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.
Materials shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level, and social development level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
Materials shall have aesthetic, literary, educational or social value.
Materials chosen shall be by competent and qualified authors.
Materials chosen shall be up-to-date, whenever possible.
Materials may be chosen for their readability and popular appeal.
Materials shall be selected for their strengths rather than rejected for their weaknesses. The selection of materials on controversial issues will be directed toward maintaining a diverse collection representing various views. Inclusion of profanity or frank treatment of sex should not automatically rule out books or other materials. It does, however, necessitate a searching evaluation of the merits–literary quality, truth to life, relevance to the curriculum–that the material in question may possess.
The scope of the collection in each media center will be determined by the grade levels present in the respective building.
Biased or slanted materials may be provided to meet specific curriculum objectives. Furthermore, a writer’s expression of a certain viewpoint is not to be considered a disparagement when it represents the historical or contemporary views held by some persons or groups.
Materials shall be chosen to foster respect for women and minority and ethnic groups, the elderly and handicapped, and shall realistically represent our pluralistic society, along with the roles and life styles open to both women and men in today’s world.Materials shall be designed to help students gain an awareness and understanding of the many important contributions made to our civilization by all minority and ethnic groups. (The community of West Liberty has primarily two minority populations: Hispanic and Southeast Asian. Special care will be taken to reflect these minorities in the collection of media center materials.)
Materials on subjects such as religion should be available; they should be factual, unbiased and broadly representative.
Physical format and appearance of materials shall be suitable for their intended use.
Duplicate copies of some materials may be acquired if there is a perceived need.
Replacement of lost, worn or damaged items will be procured for materials which have continuing educational value.
Approved: 7/21/88 Reviewed: 3/5/07 Revised: 4/16/07