Elf The Musical Auditions

Auditions for ELF: THE MUSICAL will be Thurs, Oct. 14, and Fri, Oct. 15 at 4 pm. ANY WLHS STUDENT CAN AUDITION - you do not have to be in a music class in order to be in the musical. Come on either Thursday or Friday - you do not have to attend both days. Auditions will last until 6 pm. If you are interested in a lead role, plan to stay until 6:30 pm.

You do not have to prepare anything ahead of time for the audition - just show up! If you are interested in a lead role, we encourage you to prepare the singing audition ahead of time. You can find sheet music and recordings at this link. https://docs.google.com/.../1uH1ZBLnlf87Uow.../edit...

If you have questions, feel free to stop in the band room and ask Ms. Smith. Rehearsals for the musical will begin after school on Monday, October 18. The musical performances will be on December 9, 10, and 11th.
